Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Peace by Piece--J.K. Rowling

Here's something you probably didn't know about my day job:

I'm a housekeeper at a hotel in Salt Lake City.

It's an in-between situation and I start a new job in my field next week, but for the past couple months, I've gotten to see a section of life that was always in front of me but which I never gave much thought.

In my specific role, I keep the hotel lobby beautiful. I scrub toilets in the public restrooms. I stock the pool with fresh towels. I follow people around with a mop and grumble in Gnomish as I wipe away their footprints (okay, that's a bit of an embellishment--I don't speak Gnomish).

I like my job.

I enjoy making the first impression for my hotel and overhearing guests remark how nice it is. I enjoy the satisfaction of work well done, the noticeable difference between when I first arrived on a scene and when I left it.

And I enjoy meeting those who believe in giving the cleaner the same respect as the CEO: the ones who thank me for my efforts, acknowledge that they're stepping on my just-perfected floor (which I cheerfully call job security), and even ask my name.

Let me tell you, it's an amazing feeling to be doing a job some might look down their noses at and have someone recognize you actually have a name, a life, a voice. That's a day-changer. That's a motivator.

Those are the best people.

More Peace by Piece picture quotes

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