Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Warped Plastic #9--Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone has a fun, safe Halloween this year!

Click to see Warped Plastic #8 and #10.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Warped Plastic #8

I'm feeling like this more and more these days. Anyone else?

Click to see Warped Plastic #7 and #9.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A Possibly Terrible Life Lesson from Bowling

My wife and I went bowling with some friends last weekend. A lot of people don't know that's something I love to do. Even fewer know it's something I'm good at.

That's because I haven't been good at it in a while.

I got a little spoiled as a missionary in Texas, when a member of my church happened to own a bowling alley and let us play for free every week. By the time I left, I could consistently bowl a 200+ game. I felt like a king on the lanes.

Move over, Homer Simpson.
Image credit: GoBowling on Pinterest

But things happen. Like life. And kids. And bills.

So my wife and I go maybe once a year now. And we always have a great time.

But man, am I bad at bowling.

Here's the thing about bowling, though: the more you strike, the less you actually get to play. If you really want to get your money's worth, you've got to miss the pins.

Image credit: QuickMeme

For the uninitiated (what do you even do with your life?), in bowling you get to throw the ball twice every time it's your turn. But if you bowl a strike--knock down all the pins in one throw--your turn is over. You don't get a second throw.

Sure, you end up with a higher score and everyone thinks you're cool. But dang it, I didn't pay six US dollars to bowl just half my turns.

Such is life.

We all want to do our best--we all want to bowl a strike, so to speak--but if we get too caught up in that perfect score, we miss part of the point of being here. We miss a lot of the game.

I'm not saying to go out and live recklessly. No one likes bowling gutter balls.

What are you even doing?
Image credit: Wormhole Riders

What I am saying is to embrace the messiness of life. Learn from your mistakes, and don't be afraid to make them. Enjoy life as a process, not as a showroom.

In short, live.

I've missed plenty of bowling pins in life. I've made poor decisions, gotten hurt, or just plain made things harder on myself more times than I care to admit.

But it's been an interesting journey, full of scenic routes and detours. I've got stories to tell. And I'm more proud of that than if I'd bowled a perfect game.

The pins are up. I hope you'll cheer when only one falls down.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Warped Plastic #7

I've been trying to be a little more real lately. Because let's be honest: when you really think about it, social media is kind of ridiculous.

Click to see Warped Plastic #6 and #8.
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